Maybe we’ll never get Bloodborne on PC, or a remaster of the game for modern consoles. Perhaps Fromsoftware really doesn’t care to revisit the gem of their Soulslike back catalogue, but emulation teams are hard at work trying to do what the Japanese developer won’t.
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Using the latest version of ShadPS4, the emulation community is getting closer and closer to making Bloodborne on PC a reality.
Of course, this isn’t a native version of the game, but it’s as close as we may ever get.
A clip shared by FromSoftServe is showing just how far things have come with ShadPS4 running the game at 120fps.
Slowly, but surely, modders and community creators are getting the game up and running. First by rendering frames, and now getting the game running.
The next steps will be to finish the asset rendering, apply the music, and fine-tune the visuals.
This could still take many weeks, even months, but the steady progress is great to see as it means that at some point, maybe before the end of 2024, we’ll be able to play the game for real.
For years, players have been crying out for a PC version of the classic game, only for these pleas to fall on deaf ears.
It’s not like Fromsoft doesn’t love and appreciate Bloodborne, as Miyazaki has commented in the past that the game is one of his favourites.
However, the developer moved on to Elden Ring, which took many years to finish due to its size.
Who knows what the company is now working on, maybe we will finally get that Bloodborne remaster we all so desperately want.
For now, we’ll just have to watch the progress of this emulator and hope they reach the finish line sooner rather than later, as we’re eager to return to Yarnham.
Topics: Bloodborne, Fromsoftware, Bandai Namco