It’s understood that Skyrim is one of the greats - an RPG that will keep players coming back again and again over the years.
Some would say that Skyrim is a perfect RPG experience, though with the game creaking away for over 10 years, you could argue that it would be nice for a visual overhaul.
Skyrim is a timeless experience that can be played again and again.
That’s exactly what Digital Dreams has achieved, by porting the game over to Unreal Engine 5 to create a “visual game changer”.
The team has showcased a short walkthrough of the wilds of Skyrim, displaying how radically different the game looks when using a preset library of over 200 items.
Of course, this is running on a beast of a PC, so you’ll need something similar to try it out for yourself, and it’s only a demo to show what’s possible, but fans are loving it.
“That is how Skyrim looked and felt for me when I first played it as a kid 13 years ago,” said one YouTube comment.
Mutkagames says, “Actually impressing how good modded Skyrim can be made to look if this is UE5, since this could easily pass as a normal Skyrim video.”
You can achieve something very similar to this with mods available across the internet, but it’s still an interesting experiment to see the game running in a new engine.
Could this be a glimpse at what The Elder Scrolls VI might look like?
“I'm crying now because this is beautiful to watch,” says jodiepalmer2404.
Rhigimorta comments, “This looks really good. I play on Xbox. Yes, we have some good mods but, not that good. Not that crisp. That is beautiful.”
Watch the video and see for yourself. Unreal Engine 5 is indeed a game changer and Skyrim looks stunning throughout the brief walkthrough.
It might just be time for another playthrough, I think.
Topics: Bethesda, PC, Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls, Mods, Unreal Engine