A new Elden Ring mod has dropped from modder LilwolfXL that gives a new lease of life to the already massive game. This latest mod brings more classes to the game allowing players even more choice when rolling their next character.
The two leading classes that fans have wanted for a while to see are Summoner and Vampire. Each class has its own move set meaning fans can fully explore each role and delve into new mechanics.
Take a look at Elden Ring in action below!
Coming along for the ride are other classes; Primeval Swordsman, Uchiha, Demigod Runt and Nightmare. LilwolfXL has one more trick up their sleeve with the mod pack as it will rebalance the difficulty across the game. Also of note "NPCs will give items in a different order" so a lot has been done to inject more replayabilitiy into the game.
Of course, new Ashes of War are a big part of the mod pack with six new additions including; Bloodhound Step - Primeval Sword, Unsheathe - Ninja Arts, Godfrey AOW - Divine Saber.
Notes on the mod state that since the mod increases difficulty - allowing for the rebalance - that it's best suited for a second, third playthrough. Considering the size of the base game, it's amazing that players are looking for more to do.
The modding scene is doing a great deal to bring more Elden Ring to fans, but also to allow those who might avoid its brutal difficulty normally, a chance to play. Whatever you're looking for, there's a mod that changes the game for you.
While we wait for more news on a possible sequel, you can try one of the more recent mods is an impressive attempt at making a solidly tough game even harder. We recently covered the Elden Ring: Prepare to Die Hard mod which will go a long way to making your life much harder.
Topics: Elden Ring, Mods