With so many classics in its ever-expanding library, it’s not always an easy task picking just one The Legend of Zelda title as the absolute best but a game that will be on the lips of many is Majora’s Mask.
Released for the Nintendo 64 in 2000, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask arrived just two years after the other N64 retro classic set in the Kingdom of Hyrule, none other than Ocarina of Time. For many, it’s a split decision about which of the two is the best Zelda game of its generation but it’s fair to say that it was a banger time to be an N64 gamer.
Check out The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3DS trailer below!
For its time, the 2000 Zelda release was a visually impressive game and thanks to the N64’s Expansion Pak which was not only a requirement to play Majora’s Mask but also the likes of Donkey Kong 64, it enabled more characters to be on the screen at any one time in Majora's Mask.
Then in 2015, Majora's Mask received a fantastic remake for the Nintendo 3DS. However, as fantastic as that remake is, some will always prefer to play the original N64 classic, something that is available to subscribers of Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion.
Yet, if you wanted to play an original version of Majora Mask with not only visual enhancements but also added quality-of-life improvements, then this fan-made remaster might pique your interest and it's all possible thanks to PC emulation.
The fan-made remaster of Majora's Mask, created by indie developer WiseGuy, not only makes the original visuals look more crisp in HD but other fixes have been made such as a new dual analogue “free camera” and even improved motion blur to compliment the increased framerates. As detailed on WiseGuy’s YouTube channel, the remaster also has other improvements such as adjusting the sensitivity for the gyro and mouse, adjusting the dead zone, enabling auto-save and much more.
To no surprise whatsoever, fans in the comments section of the most recent YouTube upload to WishGuy’s channel have been full of praise. “Awesome! Analogue camera was the main thing I wanted from this. Thanks for the swift update, I really appreciate it,” said SdudyoyO.
“Absolutely amazing. I’ve been having a blast with the game and I'm in awe of the recomp tech, thanks for all the hard work,” islandofmelanat commented. “Joystick dead zone was the thing I was waiting for the most and now that it's here, I'm so happy,” replied an appreciative Nessa64.
It really is an impressive remaster that remains faithful to the source material and developer WiseGuy has even teased that more improvements are to come and we can’t wait to see what they are. Oh, and I nearly forgot to say that this fan-made remaster is totally free.
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask is officially available on N64, the 3DS and via the Nintendo Switch + Expansion subscription.
Topics: Free Games, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, PC, Retro Gaming, The Legend Of Zelda