Great news for rare Pokémon hunters and lovers of free stuff, because you can nab a limited-time download that will net you an extremely rare Pokémon– but you better get your butt in gear, as you only have two weeks left to nab it.
As revealed on the official Pokémon Twitter account, a shiny, jet-black Rayquaza is now available to be nabbed in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
To get the shiny Rayquaza, you’ll have to best the legendary and capture it during a 5-star Tera Raid Battle, which is definitely not as easy as it might sound on paper.
5-star Tera Raid Battles are some of the hardest challenges that you can tackle in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Of course, this is doubly true when you throw a legendary Pokémon into the mix. Rayquaza is arguably one of the most powerful legendary Pokémon out there too, so you best make sure you go into this fight fully prepared.
Take a look at Scarlet and Violet in action below.
You may also want to get some of your mates who own a Nintendo Switch to chip in and help too, as a lot of the most difficult Tera Raid Battles are extremely difficult to tackle when using the NPC allies.
However, it’s not entirely impossible to do as a solo player.
If you have the right team and the right strategy at your disposal, a lot of these Tera Raid Battles can be comfortably bested without the help of any friends.
If you want to know exactly what kind of Pokémon you’ll need to defeat and capture Rayquaza, I highly suggest giving PKMNcast’s video “10 BEST Pokémon You Can Use for Shiny Rayquaza, Raid Build Guide” a watch.
Just make sure you’re quick about it either way, as once the 5-star Rayquaza Tera Raid Battle is gone, I highly doubt we’ll see it again!
Topics: Pokemon, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch