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Nintendo Switch quietly brings back game it'd previously cancelled

Nintendo Switch quietly brings back game it'd previously cancelled

Guess who's back

Nintendo Switch users are going to get a brand-new game this month, one that was cancelled a long time ago.

Video game cancellations always sting, regardless of the title, as the work that gets put into crafting exciting new gameplay experiences is long and arduous so to see it never released has to be an incredibly sad affair, like the cancelled Daredevil game for example.

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However sometimes even cancelled games get their time to shine, like Captain Blood which releases on Xbox, PlayStation and PC this year, and the game we’re talking about today, Deliver Us The Moon.

Now, Deliver Us The Moon launched on PC back in 2018 before being ported to Xbox and PlayStation, with the promise that it’d come to Nintendo Switch one day as well.

That port was unfortunately cancelled in 2020 due to COVID-19, but in a surprise turn of events it’s now back and will launch on the system later this month.

For those who don’t know, Deliver Us The Moon is a puzzle game where you explore a moon base with your rover companion, searching for clues and solving a sci-fi mystery.

The Nintendo Switch version of the game will be exactly the same as the other versions, with the only caveat being you won’t be able to play the game in the Switch’s handheld mode, it’ll have to be docked with your TV setup.

Nevertheless it’s nice to see this cancelled version of Deliver Us The Moon finally see the light of day, and it sparks a little bit of hope that other cancelled titles like it could crawl out of the woodwork one day too.

As for the rest of Nintendo’s offerings for this year, there are plenty of exciting releases on the horizon, including a new Mario and Zelda game.

Featured Image Credit: Nintendo/Deliver Us the Moon: Fortuna

Topics: Nintendo, Nintendo Switch