Hogwarts Legacy has so much more content thanks to the new modding update, and it’s going to keep PC users occupied for a while.
Whether it be adding new quests, tweaking the graphics and gameplay or replacing the in-game models with various forms of Shrek, the new update has something for everyone.
You can see a few examples from the developers themselves in the announcement video
It arrived at a pretty good time too, as since launch one of the biggest complaints around Hogwarts Legacy aside from the affiliation with J.K Rowling was once you’re done with the main story and satisfied with exploration there wasn’t much of a reason to boot the game back up.
Unless you were blown away by the story itself, replaying it won’t have been high on your priorities and despite how detailed Hogwarts is, exploring the castle is only fun for so long.
That’s all different now though as fans can create their own fun and even add new story content to the game if they’re so inclined.
Only PC users can benefit from the update though which is a bit irritating. I’m sure many would have liked the game to take a page out of Bethesda’s book and allow mods on console as well but no such look. Maybe in a future update?
“I'm super happy that you guys added Mod support, the game will live on for many years to come now and I can't wait to see what the community comes out with, the good and the... odd” said one player in response to the update.
Another added that they’re “thinking of getting a gaming laptop just so i can play with mods.”
Hopefully there are plans to bring the mods to consoles though, or at the very least cloud-saves so you can play your console save on your PC.
Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, PC, Mods