Many impressive features have wowed Hogwarts Legacy fans, yet these hidden rooms, while amazing, are often left unexplored.
It’s not hard to understand why so many Hogwarts Legacy players overlook these details – they’re too busy trying to escape from hellish concealed areas not meant for students.
Or sometimes, they’re simply relishing seeing the game from a new perspective via the game’s first-person mode.
And on occasion, people don’t find these hidden rooms because they don’t think to look for them.
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During a fan discussion about our favourite easter egg moments, one user mentioned the professors’ bedrooms.
Reddit user CryptographerDue30 said, “Don't know if this could be considered a feature, but I love that each professor has their own bedroom in the castle, and you can tell which one belongs to who by how they're decorated.”
They added, “I think it's a nice touch of realism.”
Although we knew that the teachers must sleep somewhere, most Harry Potter fans never considered that they could find these rooms in-game.
“I've never thought about the professors' bedrooms! Gonna have to check this out,” replied the OP of the thread.
That was quickly followed up by another player saying, “Didn’t know ‘bout this. I’m gonna have to go stalk a few of them now.”
We by no means suggest stalking the teachers of Hogwarts, however, we understand someone piquing your interest enough to go snooping.
Besides, if you throw on the invisibility cloak, they’ll be none the wiser.
All these finishing details and callbacks to the books/films have encouraged fans to set their sequel expectations high.
Maybe even too high.
We assume a second title is coming given the first game’s success, yet it’s not been confirmed by Warner Bros.
Furthermore, with live service threatening to invade the Hogwarts experience, the franchise as we know it could be forever changed.
Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter, Warner Bros