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Hogwarts Legacy fan shares free downloads for fellow Harry Potter lovers

Hogwarts Legacy fan shares free downloads for fellow Harry Potter lovers

Hogwarts Legacy fans can get access to a new Harry Potter game, for free but only for a limited time.

Hogwarts Legacy fans can get access to a new Harry Potter game, for free but only for a limited time.

While many players like myself love Hogwarts Legacy and all of its little secrets, there’s still plenty of Harry Potter stuff missing from the game. Whether Avalanche Software plans to include some of them in the inevitable Hogwarts Legacy 2 is a different conversation but the first game definitely lacked some essentials.

Check out Hogwarts Legacy below!

One of those essentials was Quidditch, the sport nobody shuts up about in Harry Potter where young wizards zoom around on broomsticks, scoring points and trying to catch the infamous golden snitch.

Quidditch, disappointingly, is absent in Hogwarts Legacy, with the in-universe explanation being a student got hurt so the headmaster suspended it. The Quidditch field is there, but you can’t use it for anything, it’s just gathering dust, which was a letdown for many players.

Luckily, a new game called Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions is on the way, finally letting us play the wizard sport, just not in Hogwarts Legacy, which many fans speculate was a tactic by Warner Bros Games to sell another game.

Playtests are currently ongoing, and one Redditor called chrissy_66 is giving out free codes for a limited amount of lucky players. They made a post saying: I got an invite to the Harry Potter Quidditch but I don't have a PC anymore so I wanted to give this away to someone. I can also send like 5 or more invites I think so lmk if you want to play it.”

Fans quickly tried to take the kind stranger up on their generous offer, and it’s currently unknown if there are any codes left.

If you missed out, don’t worry, Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions is set for release in the next few months, though an official release date is yet to be shared. When it launches it’ll be available on PC and potentially some consoles.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros Games