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GTA: San Andreas' biggest mystery solved after 20 years

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GTA: San Andreas' biggest mystery solved after 20 years

One of GTA: San Andreas’ biggest mysteries has finally been solved thanks to a former Rockstar Games developer.

One of GTA: San Andreas’ biggest mysteries has finally been solved thanks to a former Rockstar Games developer.

Out of all of the Grand Theft Auto games, it’s pretty clear that GTA: San Andreas is the best of the bunch.

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It’s a technological marvel that still holds up today, though it also has its fair share of secrets, some of which are yet to be uncovered, until now.

For those who haven’t played it, GTA: San Andreas blew fans away with its open world, and as you’re exploring you’ll likely notice the odd plane flying by in the background.

It’s nothing out of the ordinary, until your gameplay is interrupted by an explosion and you turn to see the wreckage of one of the planes hurtling down a building.

No one knows why this happens, but thankfully an ex-Rockstar Games developer who worked on the game,Obbe Vermeij, recently took to Twitter to shed some light on what’s going on with the planes.

Vermeij said planes would “sometimes lose some height, right after being created because their initial speed may not have generated enough lift,” and sometimes the “collision would be loaded after the plane had already been created.”

This meant sometimes a plane would be spawned “on a doomed flightpath,” which is why they sometimes crash into random objects or plummet to the ground.

It was also pointed out that planes would scan for obstacles, but struggle to pick up thin objects that aren’t wider than the plane's wingspan.

Thankfully the plane AI improved in the next few releases, and with GTA VI supposedly as big as an entire US state we’re bound to see a fleet of aircraft in the skies above Vice City next year.

That being said, it was pretty funny when a plane randomly crashed in front of you so perhaps they should have kept that feature for the following games.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games, Xbox, PlayStation, PC