An interview has appeared on Reddit featuring Take-Two’s Strauss Zelnick, answering some GTA VI questions, and the fans are having a completely normal one.
GTA VI is still a way out and as it didn’t appear at The Game Awards last week, we’re all asking the same questions.
For the love of God, give us another trailer to put here, please Rockstar, I'm begging
It appears Zelnick has been asked about the game plenty of times as he struggles to know what to say to some of the questions put to him, given the secrecy behind the game.
“Bro does NOT want to be there,” observes rolf344br.
It does feel a bit awkward at times as the interviewer is desperately digging for some nugget of information about GTA VI.
I can’t blame them, if Zelnick had slipped up and revealed something you’d have a world exclusive on your hands.
“They definitely do not like to be grilled about GTA 6, lol, they got legal on their neck,” thinks another GTA fan.
“World's driest interview competition 2024,” says another Redditor, though the reply to this does make you think about how Zelnick might be feeling.
“It’s cause Zelnick’s brain is working overtime to analyse every question and come up with the most vague answer possible,” replied PANZCAKEZZZ.
Of course, you’ve got comments about Rockstar Games or Take-Two staff being in the best jobs - “The fact he probably has played GTA 6 before me pi**es me off unreasonably.”
Though, does Zelnick have time? Does he even care to play the games?
ToughStudent4334 comments, “Honestly wonder if Zelnick gets sick of talking about Rockstar and GTA games.”
I’d have to think no, he doesn’t. Rockstar Games and GTA are a diamond mine for Take-Two and even putting money aside, what that franchise does for gaming is remarkable and incredibly interesting.
You’d have to imagine that Zelnick would love to say more but the secrecy keeps the hype engine stoked and the memes rolling out.
Speaking of, “He seen the GTA 6 memes he knows,” says Due-Photograph-7019.
Topics: GTA 6, GTA, GTA Online, Grand Theft Auto, Take-Two, Rockstar Games