If you were to ask me if I like Grand Theft Auto, I’d give you a hearty yes. As a teenager when the original game dropped onto PC and PlayStation back in the 1990s, I played each title as the franchise evolved from a top-down arcade adventure to a fully-fledged 3D epic.
When GTA IV came out in 2008, I had a baby under the age of one and every night while waiting for her to settle, I’d roam the streets of Liberty City and marvel at how far the series had come. I must have seen every inch of that city during late-night bottle feeds with my kid.
However, this might make you demand I hand in my gaming journalism badge, I never played GTA V.
I still haven’t. I’ve always wanted to. I’ve often sat here writing about the game and its popularity, knowing I’d love it, but never set some time aside to play. I’ve seen the prologue. I’ve played that at least. Only so I could reach the point of being able to then play GTA Online with friends a few years ago, though.

I think it became one of those things where I told myself that too much time had passed. With all the other games, I was there on day one. I don’t remember why I didn’t jump on the fifth game when it was released but time passed and it became something I’d try to ‘get round to’.
Some of my fondest memories are from past GTA games: cycling across San Andreas, listening to the radio while cruising Vice City, and smashing through traffic in Grand Theft Auto while playing on a LAN connection with friends.
Now, after so many years, it’s time to finally play it. I already own it on several consoles, plus it’s available on subscription services, so I have no excuse. But the reason for wanting to play is GTA VI, more than anything. Plus it’ll finally fill in the gap in my GTA history.
Doing the job I do, this year I’ve probably written about GTA VI more than anything else. Whether that was breaking down the trailer, searching for hidden details, covering what fans want from the game, and the overall hype of the project. There’s always something to write about with the upcoming Rockstar Games title and I’ll admit, the hype is pulling me in.
Perhaps it’s the return to Vice City or the Bonnie and Clyde aspects of the dual protagonists. It could just be that GTA VI will be the biggest video game of all time and I just want to be a part of it. Of course, I have to wait patiently like everyone else, so what better way to pass the time than to play GTA V, 10 years later than planned?

Funnily, despite having written about the game extensively, the plot of the game has never been spoiled for me, if indeed there’s anything to spoil. Not in the way Red Dead Redemption 2 was - I came to that late, too. So, at least I can go in with no expectations. Well, other than the 200 million units sold, the critical acclaim, the legacy of the series, and the excitement of the fans.
But I think that’s part of it - so many people love it and the acclaim is so extensive that it kind of put me off playing. Partly because I didn’t think it would live up to such hype, but also because, pretentiously, I wanted to be a part of a group that just didn’t play it. Which is dumb. I purposely held myself back from what was likely an enjoyable experience. Then it became about time, and never having any of it. How Long To Beat says the main story takes 32 hours, which is quite a while when I’m already trying to play everything else, but now there are no more excuses.
To prepare for this, I’ve dived back into GTA Online. I’m also doing this for the Halloween events, which sound like fun. So, I’m coasting around the city, trying to get the lay of the land, working on figuring out where everything is, and reminding myself just how it plays. I got stuck in the casino for a while, did some stunt racing, and then pulled off a smallish heist. I hung out with some cool dudes on a yacht, after riding the rollercoaster with one of them. I think we’re in love now.

It reminded me why I love the series despite having not touched one of the games since… damn, probably 2009.
This had me thinking about other ‘big games’ I’ve missed out on and there are a few. I have this neurospicy trait that makes me put things to one side because they’re exciting but then I put off starting them until that excitement fades. Then I end up in this situation where years have passed and I’m desperately trying to catch up.
So, here’s the plan. I finish my current game, then I go all in. Start from scratch, absorb as much of the game and city as possible, go through all the highs and lows, and see if the wait was worth it. Then, at least, I can play GTA VI when it comes out and know that I’ve experienced all the GTA that Rockstar Games has to offer.
Topics: GTA, GTA 5, GTA 6, GTA Online, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games