Ever since the credits rolled on Far Cry 6, fans have been awaiting news of the next instalment. Although the official announcement is still missing, plenty of clues are hinting at the next step in the franchise.
Far Cry 6 had quite the mixed reception, to the point that Ubisoft quietly killed off regular updates, much to the dismay of the fandom. Yet, while that particular game failed to win over everyone, Ubisoft hasn’t been deterred from making a new one.
Remember the first time we saw the teaser for Far Cry 6?
Many rumours have swirled around regarding what the next title will include, with much of the rumoured features a much-needed departure from what’s gone before. Still, radio silence from Ubisoft over what’s actually happening with the game.
That silence continues. However, a teaser has appeared that hints at Far Cry 7 and its current state. According to Geekinout, eight job listings have appeared for Ubisoft across Canada, thus sparking up fresh speculation that the game is in the works.
Each of the roles are for a “Far Cry Project”; despite not explicitly saying it’s for Far Cry 7, given what we know thus far, it seems the most likely conclusion. The roles reportedly advertised are: animation technical director, team lead animator, technical artist, associate producer, art team lead, team lead game design, programming team lead, and level designer.
These positions could be for another Far Cry project, of course. However, given the fact that Ubisoft wants to spice up the series so that it potentially avoids the failures of previous outings, it would make sense for an all hands on deck situation.
Without sounding like a broken record, it’s important for fans not to get carried away with this latest development until Ubisoft itself confirms that the jobs are indeed for Far Cry 7.