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Fallout: New Vegas player murders every living thing in the game just to see what happens

Fallout: New Vegas player murders every living thing in the game just to see what happens

When the red mist descends...

One Fallout: New Vegas player went on a murderous rampage in-game just for the hell of it.

Due to our morbid curiosity, we decided to join them on their journey to see all the inventive ways they killed off every sentiment life form of the game.

This isn’t the first time the bloodlust of the fandom has taken over.

A Fallout 3 player also decided to see what would happen if they took out every NPC for dramatic effect.

What helps make the New Vegas saga stand out from the crowd is the fact that the player detailed their journey on YouTube.

The Mojave Wasteland changed forever this day

True crime fans are sure to just eat up this diary of events taken from the frontlines of what is, arguably, one of Bethesda’s greatest titles.

‘The End of All Things’ is the grand finale of YouTube channel Many A True Nerd’s destructive adventure.

“This is the finale of Fallout: New Vegas - Kill Everything, where we kill anything with the bad judgement to enter my line of sight. Expect quests to be failed, towns to be left deserted, and entire factions to be wiped out...” reads the caption.

For 24 plus minutes, death comes for everyone; nobody escapes the scythe of the Grim Reaper.

Accompanying the ambient soundtrack of screams and gunshots is commentary from the viewers of this series.

“And the Courier who cheated death in Goodsprings, changed the Mojave Wasteland forever,” posted @mrskellington9477.

“Goodsprings was the first to go as she cut through doc Mitchell's body for going through her belongings, something inside her snapped. Then there came Primm, the Mojave Outpost, Novac. She didn't care what she killed, she only cared that she was responsible for its demise.”

If you haven’t got a taste for destruction on this scale, you can always experience a change of pace in Fallout 4 thanks to its new bonus free mode.

Just because the increased hype is once again dying down for the Fallout franchise doesn’t mean there’s not still plenty to explore, do, and maybe even kill.

Featured Image Credit: Many A True Nerd - YouTube

Topics: Fallout, Bethesda, PlayStation, Xbox, PC