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Fallout: New Vegas fans launch fundraiser to get Mr House on the Las Vegas Sphere

Fallout: New Vegas fans launch fundraiser to get Mr House on the Las Vegas Sphere

Fallout: New Vegas fans want Mr House’s face displayed on the Las Vegas Sphere, and I’m here for it.

Fallout: New Vegas fans want Mr House’s face displayed on the Las Vegas Sphere, and I’m here for it.

Since the release of the Amazon Prime series, Fallout games have seen a boom in popularity and new players, affecting Fallout 4, Fallout 76 and, the best of the bunch, Fallout: New Vegas.

Take a look at Fallout: New Vegas below

Fallout: New Vegas is renowned for being one of the best games in the series for a number of reasons, though the main story is often considered a big part of that rating.

During your adventures in the Mojave wasteland you’ll come across Mr House, the game’s antagonist who actually made a sneaky cameo in the final episode of the Fallout show.

Aside from his cocky personality, one of the defining features of Mr House is how you communicate with him through a static image of his face on a big TV screen

Fallout fans are now petitioning to have that image displayed on the Las Vegas sphere, and I’m fully here for it.

A GoFundMe has been made to raise funds for the meme, with a required total of $487,710 required to hijack the sphere for a day. So far the fundraiser has generated $2,92, just a bit short.

The GoFundMe’s description reads: “Let's get down to business. As the sole proprietor of the Las Vegas Strip, it's only right that Mr. Robert House of RobCo Industries makes his presence known in the crown jewel of the Mojave.”

Given the enormous amount of funding needed, it doesn’t look like fans will see their dream come true… but it’s the thought that counts right?

You never know though, perhaps Bethesda will catch wind of the meme and pull a few stings for a PR stunt…

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda

Topics: Fallout, Bethesda, Xbox, PlayStation, PC