Fallout fans aren’t happy.
It could be argued that they rarely are these days, but let’s not open up another can of worms.
What’s the reason for their dismay? It’s the intended launch date of Fallout 5.
Even though Bethesda hasn’t even attempted to throw a specific date around for when that’ll happen, by confirming that The Elder Scrolls VI will come first, it’s angered the Fallout community.
After the Amazon TV show was such a success, some had hoped it would fast-track the next Fallout title.
Wait until we can play as a ghoul in Fallout 76
Alas, it’s not to be.
Despite being vexed by the news, fans are being inventive with their criticism of Bethesda’s decision.
“I've got my money ready for October 23, 2077, its gonna be a memorable day I'm sure,” quipped ninja-robot.
User MegatonsSon joked, “Oof! I'll be turning 55 in August, by the time Fallout 5 releases, I will probably be older than Old Longfellow, and need VATS just to hit the damned toilet bowl peeing...”
The biggest fear is that we’ll all be dead before we get a chance to play Fallout 5, and given how long we’ve been waiting for the new Elder Scrolls, we understand why some are concerned.
We may kick the bucket first, but at least our kids will have something to remember us by.
“I'm glad I'll be able to enjoy TES VI in the retirement home, and thankfully my grandchildren can experience Fallout 5,” PancakesandMaggots remarked.
As difficult as it is to process our emotions, we have to ask ourselves if this is at all surprising.
If Bethesda decided to release Fallout 5 before TES VI there would be an online riot of massive proportions.
Yes, we’ve got years to wait. And yes, we’ll be grey haired and wrinkly by then, but it’ll be worth it.
Oh lord, please let Fallout 5 be worth it.