The PlayStation celebrated its 28th anniversary at the start of this month and tributes to the amazing gaming memories it gave us are flooding the Internet.
Released only one week after the Sega Saturn, the console boasted awesome 3D graphics, great games and inspired marketing towards adolescents and young adults, making it the must-have gadget of the 1990s. Fascinatingly enough, the design of the controller was intended to match the 3D games as the majority of video game controllers were flat at the time. Creator Teiyu Goto struggled to convince other Sony managers of his concept, however, president Norio Ohga was instantly on board because it reminded him of an airplane control wheel and he was a pilot himself.
Check out this super satisfying restoration of a PS1 below:
Iconic in more ways than one, obviously. One of the wonderful things about anniversaries like these is that you see countless gamers come together to praise the games that changed their lives and unlock memories of ones that had slipped their minds.
"I think that the current generation of gamers who haven't experienced sitting on the floor in front of a 13" TV in the corner of their friends basement at midnight playing Resident Evil during a sleepover and getting the shit scared out of them by their dad leaping out and yelling 'I SAID IN BED BY ELEVEN!' have missed out on something truly unique and formative," argued Reddit user tinselsnips. "I was a life long Nintendo fan... After those FFVII commercials, I traded in my N64 for a Playstation and FFVII and never looked back," reminisced CouchBoyChris.
Other series like Armored Core, Crash Bandicoot, Ape Escape, Tekken, Wipeout, Metal Gear Solid and Need for Speed scored new fans on the original PlayStation that then went on to become lifelong gamers, and it just goes to show that the impact of the console can't be understated.
Topics: PlayStation, Retro Gaming