Of all the video games that caused a stir back when I was a kid, few managed to whip parents up into more a frenzy than Manhunt and Manhunt 2.
Developed by Rockstar Games (you may have heard of them), the Manhunt games boasted a simple premise: murder people in the most grisly manner possible.
These games were controversial enough on PlayStation 2, back when the animations for slipping a plastic bag over someone's head or bludgeoning them to death with a hammer looked relatively inoffensive. Can you imagine such gruesomeness on newer hardware? Hell, if you've seen Abby and Joel's golf game in The Last of Us Part II you probably can.
While it's highly unlikely that a new Manhunt will ever see the light of day, one fan's attempt at remastering Manhunt 2 has led to a wave of fans calling for a revival of the gruesome kill 'em up.
Take a look at the fan-made trailer below!
"Rockstar games would be so rich if Manhunt 3 was release for current gen consoles," writes one fan. Not entirely the Manhunt franchise was ever that big a money maker, but I suspect a third game would do fairly well in the long run.
"I miss the gore details," another fan comments. "Like the brain pieces crawling in the wall. Or how good executing someone feels in this game." I'm no expert but someone might wanna check this dude's browser history just to be on the safe side.
While Manhunt 3 is likely never going to happen, at least we can look forward to GTA 6, which is... probably going to happen. Someday. Eventually. If we're lucky.