Since the dawn of time, various video games have been labelled as controversial by society which began with the likes of Wolfenstein 3D, Duke Nukem 3D and DOOM to name a few.
One video game publisher that is not shy of stirring the pot is Rockstar Games offering franchises such as Grand Theft Auto and Bully, the latter of which is a solo game released in 2006. However, perhaps the most controversial title from Rockstar Games is Manhunt released in 2003 for the PlayStation 2, before arriving on PC and the original Xbox the following year.
Check out the Manhunt 2 trailer below!
Manhunt can be considered to be a snuff game in which the concept is that you play as a convict, James Earl Cash who is about to be executed on death row before he’s granted a new lease of freedom but the price for that freedom is that he must kill other criminals, preferably in the most brutal way possible as an overseer known as “The Director” watches the show gleefully. If you’re familiar with Manhunt, it’s not hard to understand why the game was so controversial and was banned in some countries.
This is perhaps why it’s somewhat surprising that it received a direct sequel in 2007 offering a similar level of brutality and controversy, and it’s the sequel that is today’s topic of discussion. Seeing as we’re never likely to get a new Manhunt game anytime soon, despite being seemingly teased by Rockstar Games, a talented modder by the name of Greatest Mods has remastered Manhunt 2 and it looks gorgeous, to say the least.
The Manhunt 2 remaster in question retains the gameplay and creative design of its source material but has now benefited from improved textures, shadow effects, lighting, and ray tracing all at a 4K resolution and a super-smooth 60 frames per second. In other words, it’s the Manhunt 2 remaster that we’ve always wanted.
Considering that the remaster is a mod of Manhunt 2, it’s only available on PC and unfortunately is not compatible with consoles. Thankfully at least, you can play the original Manhunt on modern PlayStation and Xbox consoles, and the PlayStation version even comes with trophy support.
Topics: Grand Theft Auto, Mods, PC, PlayStation, Retro Gaming, Rockstar Games, Xbox