The following report contains details that some readers may find distressing.
Due to the very nature of livestreaming, you never know exactly what you’re going to capture on camera and this week, one streamer recorded a worrying encounter in which she was threatened in front of her viewers.
Twitch streamer thatirishgirlro, real name Ro, was out on a summer excursion with friends on 6 August when the altercation happened. The group had been paddle boarding in Austin, Texas, and decided to stop for a walk when they happened upon a small dock. Shortly after docking, the group were stopped by a man unknown to them.
In the clip, the man informed the group that they were on his “private property.” Ro calmly responded saying, “We weren’t aware,” whilst another friend noted that they weren’t there with “malicious intention,” instead implying that they’d accidentally docked on the man’s property after mistaking it for public land. Ro continued, “How would we know that?” after the man continued to point out that the land was his.
The discussion continued. Ro said, “So you want us to leave the kayaks sir?” to which the man responded, “I don’t give a s**t about the kayaks. Get off my property.” Ro responded to the landowner saying, “You need to chill out. It was an accident. We’re leaving immediately.” It was at this point that the man took the severity up a notch telling the group, “This is private property. You’re in Texas. I could shoot you. You’re on my property.” Take a look at the clip below.
Ro ended the clip by noting “That’s a little extreme.” It’s believed that after the altercation, Ro and her friends left the man’s property as promised, although they were a little shaken by his hostile nature.
Topics: Twitch