IT: Pennywise becomes quite possibly the most terrifying photorealistic horror game I never wanted to see. Yet, I want IT now!
It’s open to debate which is the best Pennywise, Tim Curry (1990) or Bill Skarsgård (post-2017). Likewise, it’s all down to personal preference which is the best IT adaptation of the Stephen King novel.
However, I think few of us can argue, no matter which version of IT you prefer, they’re both absolutely terrifying in their own way. So when talented video game concept developer TeaserPlay created what an IT video game could look like, it’s something that I never knew I wanted, until now. Legitimately, this trailer made me jump!
“Pennywise is still popular and scary enough to expect a AAA horror game from it
many small games have been made based on the character, but this time we tried to imagine a realistic graphic for its possible game. hope you enjoy,” reads the description of the YouTube upload.
The concept trailer begins with a peaceful first-person perspective of walking off a drive in a picturesque American suburb. However, when you realise that the music that sets the ambience is from Alien: Isolation, you know sh** is about to hit the fan.
Before we know it, creepy Pennywise emerges from beyond a hedge and relentlessly stalks his unsuspecting victim and we all know that once this mighty morphin creepy alien gets a taste of your fear, you’re pretty much done for.
The last IT movie to release in the franchise was the sequel to the 2017 reboot, IT Chapter Two in 2019. At the time of writing, there is no official word as to whether we’ll get a third chapter. So if that day never comes, please powers that be, give us the IT video game that our nightmares crave.
Topics: TV And Film