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An iconic Zelda is being remastered for Nintendo Switch 2, says insider

An iconic Zelda is being remastered for Nintendo Switch 2, says insider

A 60FPS remaster? Sign me up

With the news that we may be seeing the Nintendo Switch a lot sooner than we thought, talk has turned to what titles may be coming alongside it.

Earlier this month saw Nintendo reveal that the Nintendo Switch was on its way and despite the announcement being very out of the blue, fans are already excited to see the next handheld.

Could this epic title be getting a remaster? Check out The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild trailer below!

Not only that but a new Nintendo Switch means new games and one insider has recently claimed that an iconic Zelda remaster may already be on the cards.

This comes after it was believed some lucky members of the gaming media were treated to a first look at the Nintendo Switch 2 during a closed-door event at 2023’s Gamescom. Not only that but they also got to see an enhanced version of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

With an enhanced frame rate and resolution compared to the 2017 release, this could very well be a remaster heading to the Nintendo Switch 2.

Although we don’t yet know if it will be offered as a paid upgrade or a whole new standalone, one leaker has put more emphasis on this rumour by claiming that Nintendo have a project “with the codename U-King-O”.

Why is this relevant you ask? That is because Breath of the Wild’s original internal codename was none other than “U-King” and Nintendo often adds suffixes to any ports and remasters. See where I’m going here?

If the rumours are to be believed, a The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild remaster may be heading to the Nintendo Switch 2 and it is safe to say that fans are already excited. However, with this yet to be confirmed by Nintendo itself, it is worth taking the rumours with a pinch of salt.

Featured Image Credit: Nintendo

Topics: The Legend Of Zelda, Breath Of The Wild, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch