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Hogwarts Legacy fans want to play as an auror in the next game

Hogwarts Legacy fans want to play as an auror in the next game

Hogwarts Legacy players want the sequel to be a wizard-cop adventure where you play as an auror.

It may not be confirmed, but it’s looking pretty likely that Hogwarts Legacy will get a sequel. After all, the game has had immense commercial success and is already one of the best-selling games in recent memory.

In fact, Hogwarts Legacy is the most successful Harry Potter game of all time, and sold a whopping 12 million copies in the first two weeks of release alone. That’s extra impressive when you consider that the title is still yet to release on PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. We could easily see those sales double. A Warner Bros boss has added that he’s excited for the future of the franchise. A TV adaptation is reportedly in the works but when it comes to the game, fans already have a pretty good idea about what they’d like to see in a sequel.

Someone has already modded PS1 Hagrid into the game. Take a look below.

Taking to Reddit, user ch1llzard suggested that the player should be an auror in the sequel. For the muggles out there, an auror is basically a high-ranking magical law enforcer that hunts so-called ‘dark wizards.’ The user wrote, “One of the next Wizarding World games should let you play as an auror. Straight up a wizard cop action-adventure. Think Hogwarts Legacy crossed with LA Noire. Tracking down dark wizards [for] their crimes. We could have a full morality mechanic where you could turn to the dark side and turn on the ministry. What do you all think? Would you play something like this?” It’s a decent idea.

Many were on board but doubted if Warner Bros would take the franchise on a more mature path. Aside_Dish said, “Agreed. And I would like it if it was set in the OTHER parts of the Wizarding World, and possibly even parts of the muggle world. I would definitely like it to keep its RPG elements, but a bit less loot-y. And really stress builds, with different strengths and weaknesses for everything. Right now, everyone can use a few basic spells, and one-shot everything once you get to a certain point.”

Lohenxiii added, “Hell yeah! One of the best parts of Hogwarts Legacy was showing how cool the world could be. Now imagine your auror character walking down the Diagonal Alley trying to solve some murder mystery. Or walking through the Ministry (some Control vibes there),” while Purple-Hawk-2388 noted, “I would love a game like that. Wouldn't necessarily need to be set in the HP world, but a noir mystery crime game with magic sounds awesome. Some studio should make it.” In all honesty though, I can’t see devs leaving Hogwarts behind.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter, Warner Bros