Hypothetical situation: you’re in a bar and decide to order yourself a drink. You didn’t check the menu but you’re pretty sure your chosen beverage will be around the usual price. For me, I’d expect something between $4-$8 (or £3-£7). Anything more than that and I’d start to raise some eyebrows.
In our hypothetical situation, what would you do if the bartender looked you dead in the eye and without a hint of a joke, asked you for $5000 (£4000) please? I’d either assume it was a joke, or I’d slap them right in the mouth. Fortunately (or unfortunately) this hypothetical situation is one that could be very real on Disney’s new Disney Wish cruise liner with one cocktail - the Kaiburr Crystal.. So why exactly is it so bank-bustingly expensive?
As you might be able to guess, the Kaiburr Crystal is a Star Wars related drink, and I wonder if you’ll be able to buy one in the upcoming KOTOR remake?
As you’d expect, the drink in question is far from your average Dark and Stormy. As reported by GameSpot, their entertainment editor Chris E. Haynor recently boarded the ship, which has a Hyperspace Lounge (on a boat, yes, I know, suspend your disbelief) where the staff apparently refused to tell him what was in the drink, let alone that it even existed.
After a little more digging, Haynor discovered the ingredients are: Camus Cognac, Grand Marnier Quintessence, Yuu and Kumquat juice, Taylor’s Fladgate Kingsman Edition Very Old Tawny Port and Pappy Van Winkle 23 year reserve.
Now, I did a quick bit of googling, and yep, all of those ingredients are eye-wateringly expensive in their own right. We’re talking thousands of dollars a bottle each. The Kaiburr Crystal is also apparently served in that weird little carry-case thing that The Client knocks about with in The Mandalorian.
So there you have it. If you’ve got $5000 to drink away, have at it. But do us all a favour and explain the taste in great, agonising detail, because it’s a beverage that most people will never get to experience in this, or any other lifetime. Anyway I’m off to pick up a couple of bottles of white lightning. Might mix it with some lemonade to take the edge off. 50p each if anybody wants in.