We all have that one friend whose mum wouldn’t buy them toy guns because they are too violent or dangerous, so they just made them out of cereal packets and sticky tape.
Well one content creator has taken that concept to another level. Grims_Lego has over half a million fans on TikTok all eager to see just how he builds realistic guns using only LEGO. Allowing fans to vote on which guns he should build next, Grims has designed and built everything from a sawed-off double-barreled shotgun to a P90 submachine gun. What’s even more impressive is that each of his guns have moving parts and bullets all composed of the buildable blocks.
If you want to see the reloadable LEGO guns for yourself, you can take a look at the video below.
The guns aren’t strictly made of LEGO. In order to get the parts to move, and in particular for some parts to snap and reload, elastic bands have been implemented. However, when you are looking at the complex mechanisms, such as those used to make a gun, it’s really impressive what Grims has accomplished using so few materials.
Some are disappointed that the guns don’t fire. Due to how unstable things constructed out of LEGO are, it’s surprising that he has managed to make as many parts as he has moveable. However, despite the instability, he has managed to create chambers for reloading, hinges to open barrels, and moveable triggers.
Grims also runs polls for his viewers on what gun he should build next. He designs each model from scratch, and so it must take him a really long time to complete each project. He also offers tutorials for his builds so that anyone with LEGO at home can give them a go for themselves.
If only we had put so much care and attention into our childhood hobbies, maybe we’d have a set of cool LEGO guns too.
Topics: Lego