It’s not a GTA VI trailer, but I’d argue it’s the next best thing: the San Andreas remaster has been revamped.
Waiting for the next GTA title isn’t getting us anywhere, save more frustrated and tired.
Oh, and closer to the grave, if you want to be morbid about it.
The point is, GTA VI isn’t just around the corner, not yet anyway.
Thankfully, an “incredible” updated San Andreas remaster is delivering what feels like a “brand new game”.
Sit back and let nostalgia do its thing while you watch the GTA: San Andreas trailer.
Remember three years ago?
Cue a flashback sequence.
A PC and console version of the classic GTA trilogy was released, and subsequently pissed off fans. The bugs/glitches were so bad that even Rockstar Games issued an apology.
It was a mess, and not a hot one you can excuse.
Now we arrive back to the present, a time when an update has finally delivered the classic trilogy launch we deserved.
“San Andreas looks incredible now!” exclaimed TheAhoAho.
If you can’t tell whether they’re joking or not – like a fellow fan remarked – allow the OP’s response to quell any concerns you might have.
“Have you seen it!?” they asked, “It's literally the old colour palette and thick fog is back.”
The trilogy now includes ‘Classic Lighting’, which has restored the vibrancy that was sorely lacking upon its release.
Although this is a mode you can switch on or off, the update automatically toggles it on as the default setting.
“Being a patient gamer pays off again,” quipped gearofwar1802.
We won’t pretend that the mistakes of the past are magically erased by this update. However, the update's surprising improvements have helped put smiles back on the GTA fandom’s faces.
In the words of GiveMeAName42069, “Awesome! Now this gives me another reason to play through them, other than just for nostalgia.”
Now, do you think my boss would mind me taking the day off? No reason...
Topics: GTA, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games, Take-Two