Nothing can stop the GTA community from speculating.
GTA VI isn’t even out, yet the fandom is already thinking ahead to GTA VII because why not torture ourselves more?
Fans are divided about GTA VI’s launch month, despite Rockstar Games assuring us all that no delays will occur.
As if things weren’t heated enough among fans, Redditor Upbeat-Programmer596 has decided to try and predict where the next GTA title will be set.
Oh, and what do you know, this has had a polarising effect on the fandom as well. What a shocker.
Be thankful we have at least one GTA VI trailer. Just think how long we'll wait for the GTA VII one.
The OP believes that GTA VII will be set in New York.
They’ve come to this conclusion by looking at the previous games and making note of clear patterns.
For example, Vice City was set in Miami, and GTA VI will also take place in Miami.
San Andreas was based on Los Angeles, and GTA V utilised the same location.
Ergo, GTA VII will be based in New York because GTA III took place there.
It’s a rudimentary but feasible theory. Still, it’s not one fans agree with nor want to happen if proven to be true.
“Pls no,” begged TheGreatOne2000. “Imagine playing a game series for over 30 years just wanting the same cities over and over.”
Ah, the stuff of nightmares.
That said, some fans argue that just because the setting is the same, doesn’t mean the fictional city we’ll explore will be.
This is assuming that GTA VII even happens, as one fan bitterly teased.
“New city. Chicago maybe??” suggested someone else, keen to ignore the fact that we could all be dead by the time GTA VII launches.
Wherever the next game takes place, leaked screenshots from GTA VI highlight just how expansive these open world settings are becoming.
Even if we revisit a city we’ve seen before, it’ll likely be marked different to previous experiences.
Topics: GTA, GTA 6, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games, Take-Two