A deeper look into the 2022 Grand Theft Auto VI leaks has revealed a lot of important details we may have originally missed. Luckily, one Reddit user has us covered.
After the massive 2022 Grand Theft Auto VI leak, heaps of information about the upcoming Rockstar title was released to the public. Not only did it confirm players will be heading back to Vice City for the next instalment, but it was also the source of a lot of little details that may have gone unnoticed.
Check out the GTA Vice City remastered graphics mod below!
Now, one Reddit user has compiled two huge lists of details taken from the leaked documents. You can see them for yourselves but some of the most interesting points need to be talked about. The user Denso95 claims GTA VI’s Vice City will include massage parlours, bingo halls, malls, hotels, ambrosia farms and more. With the map reportedly set to be a lot larger than its predecessor, it looks as though it will be full to the brim with things to do.
There may also be hints at an improved stealth system for the game. Although Grand Theft Auto usually relies on an all-guns-blazing approach, the documents reveal the existence of keys and lockpicks as well as the possible ability to eavesdrop on conversations. Additionally, one of the reported main characters, Jason, will have the special ability to ‘mark’ items of interest, such as nearby jewellery, safes and security cameras.
If you use all these new abilities to commit robberies, it looks like cops won’t show up in a flash and will instead take some time to arrive after the alarm has been raised. Additionally, with the city reportedly having Wi-Fi hotspots, it may take even longer for them to arrive in more rural areas. As a result, heists and robberies will feel a lot more realistic.
Overall, there are over 80 details that have been listed featuring everything from telling players they will be able to store beef jerky in their pants to revealing that lions and tigers may exist.
Topics: GTA 6, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games