Fans think they’ve discovered exactly when Rockstar Games will release the second trailer for Grand Theft Auto VI– but you may wanna strap in ahead of time folks, because this theory is gonna get a little weird.
Over on Twitter, user GTA 6 Intel has collated three reasons why the trailer for Grand Theft Auto VI will drop on March 25. Your eyes do not deceive you, that is tomorrow.
Their first clue is “It’s a Tuesday”. I’ll be honest with you, I had no idea what they meant by this until I did some light Googling and found out that people think Rockstar Games likes releasing games on Tuesdays.
Well, Red Dead Redemption 2 came out on a Wednesday so, that one is rubbish. Good start.
The second one is that Game Informer, the much-beloved video game magazine that was discontinued in July 2024, has announced they have some kind of comeback planned for tomorrow.
Game Informer was the first to outlet preview Grand Theft Auto V, so this part of the theory is at least slightly more credible than “It’s a Tuesday”. Nothing concrete but, it’s something.
Now the final part of this theory is interesting. A Reddit user by the name of ZestycloseAd6898 has been commenting in threads asking about the release date of GTA VI’s second trailer that it will drop on “25 03 25” - the same date that Game Informer has announced is their comeback.
This Reddit user has been doing this since November 22 of last year, and they’ve done so roughly 140 times since then. They even replied to a doubter at one point, stating "Wait till next year. I can't wait to see this go mental, and you all spend weeks trying to figure out who I am & how I have been RIGHT this entire time."
Well, ZestycloseAd6898 has clearly since deleted their account, sometime in the past four days based on their last comment. Even weirder still, they seem to have meticulously deleted the comments referencing the date before doing so. Thankfully, we can still see their comments by using the Samac Reddit archiver.
So, why would they delete their account? Has all the heat from their leak finally caught up with them now it’s being publicised? Do they not want Rockstar to trace their origins once the second trailer does drop tomorrow?
Uh, we’ll have to wait to see if anything does actually drop tomorrow to answer any of those questions but, I wouldn’t hold your breath.
Whoever ZestycloseAd6898 was, their post history is a bit on the deranged side. This fella was a big enjoyer of subreddits such as r/aliens and r/conspiracy, so maybe take their knowledge of GTA VI’s second trailer with an entire handful of salt.
Imagine if they are telling the truth, though. Would make me wonder how someone like this got their hands on Rockstar Games’ info… wait, Rockstar loves putting stuff about alien conspiracies in their games. You don’t think that… nah, never mind. Best not to overthink it.
Topics: GTA, GTA 6, GTA 5, Rockstar Games, Take-Two