The same ‘teapotuberhacker’ who has claimed responsibility for the huge Grand Theft Auto VI leak of the weekend - read all about that here - has apparently also found themselves in possession of some significant information and materials relating to another long-awaited Rockstar Games title, Bully 2.
We’ve heard a lot about how a second Bully game is in development, about how it suffered a false start, was due for a reveal before being paused, and how it’s still in the works despite so much of Rockstar’s team being focused on the next mainline GTA title. Not that Rockstar itself has ever stated anything confirming the existence of this sequel to 2006’s game for the PS2, also known by the name Canis Canem Edit (aka “dog eat dog” - that’s what it’s called on my copy). But now this teapot person claims they’ve got their hands on Bully 2 development plans - and that they’re willing to listen to bids.
As reported at Metro, the hacker claims to have “very early development pictures and video” of Bully 2 - which may or may not be representative of the sequel Rockstar is or isn’t making - and “a PDF of the story”. However, the report adds that ‘teapotuberhacker’ may have had their true identity rumbled through another hack - the hacker has become the hacked! - which surely means that Rockstar’s heavyweight lawyers are on the case and any attempted sale of these illegally procured materials will be kiboshed.
Wherever you are, ‘teapotuberhacker’, I hope you’ve a toothbrush to hand and a good idea of what your one phone call will be. Details of a previous Bully sequel cancelled back in 2010 were revealed in early 2022 - the game world was set to be three times larger than the original title, with every building accessible and the player able to use a morality system to either honestly or deceitfully make their way through the story. Sounds good! Now it’s a case of waiting to see if any of those plans make their way into the actual Bully 2 - which may, or may not, even exist. Ah, video games.
Topics: Rockstar Games