The world is obsessed with The Last of Us right now, and there are no prizes for guessing why. An age-old curse of (mostly) awful video game adaptations has been broken - who knew that respecting the source material could be so lucrative?
The Last of Us’ second episode is out now, but don’t worry, you’ll get no spoilers here - I’m one of the many UK viewers trying very hard not to see anything on Twitter today before I finally get to watch it later. If you’re in the same boat, there’s a rather fun TLoU-themed Easter egg available on Google right now which might help pass the time if you’re bored. Just don’t tell your boss I said that.
Before we get into it, check out what’s coming up next on The Last of Us below.
As highlighted on the r/PS5 subreddit, googling “The Last of Us” presents you with a mysterious mushroom button. Pressing this button causes Cordyceps fungi to start spreading over your screen - if you keep spamming it, you can pretty much completely cover the page with them, which isn’t very practical for actually reading things, but it looks cool. At the time of writing, this works on both PC and mobile, so you can try it out wherever you like.
In case you were blissfully unaware, The Last of Us' Cordyceps fungus is actually a very real thing. It has basically the exact same effect on insects as it does on the infected in the games and show, which is seriously creepy. Thankfully, it doesn’t affect humans in the same way in real life - the mushrooms actually look a little bit like forbidden cheese puffs, which makes them seem a lot less scary.
Episodes of The Last of Us are releasing weekly - the next one is out on Sunday in the US, and next Monday in the UK.
Topics: The Last Of Us