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Naughty Dog Wishes It Was Working On A New Jak & Daxter

Naughty Dog Wishes It Was Working On A New Jak & Daxter

Naughty Dog is focusing on other projects right now.

Imogen Mellor

Imogen Mellor

Bad news Jak and Daxter fans, it looks like Naughty Dog is focusing on other projects for the foreseeable future. Although Naughty Dog was once known more for its kid-friendly series in its Jak and Daxter games, they've now become known for their work in more photorealistic and grown-up projects like The Last of Us and Uncharted - which is where it looks like the studio will be staying for now.

VGC reports that although the team at Naughty Dog would love to be working on a quirky 3D platformer like Jak and Daxter, or Insomniac's Ratchet and Clank - they're not on anything like that at the moment. In an episode of the Game Maker's Notebook, the co-president of Naughty Dog, Evan Wells, talks about his and his studio's history in the industry as well as a few projects.

Among those conversations, Wells mentions that Naughty Dog continues to get heaps of requests to make a new Jak and Daxter game. The quote transcribed by VGC says, "We've had a couple of Twitter campaigns where people have been tweeting us every single day [saying] 'I want a new Jak & Daxter, I want a new Jak & Daxter', and they aren't just simple 280-character tweets, they have photoshopped memes and everything they're including on a daily basis, and the effort has got to be significant.

"And I hate to break it to them, we do not have Jak & Daxter here in development right now. But we still love the characters and I see what you guys are doing with Ratchet and that makes me wish that we did, and we would have one in development because there's still a lot of love for Jak & Daxter in the studio."

Jak and Daxter / credit: Naughty Dog
Jak and Daxter / credit: Naughty Dog

Ratchet and Clank got a revival not long ago with a reimagining of the first game (go play it, it's really good). Now, Rift Apart, the sequel, is being marketed by Sony and PlayStation as the game that really shows off the incredible SSD capabilities of the PS5. Insomniac also get to explore the Spider-Man universe in slightly more 'serious' games so there is a variety of games it gets to work on. Naughty Dog, however, seems to be sticking to its guns with The Last of Us Remake and another Uncharted game.

Though it's sad that Jak and Daxter aren't currently on the cards, they may well make a reappearance sometime in the future. I believe this won't be the last we hear about the duo.

Featured Image Credit: Naughty Dog

Topics: News, Naughty Dog