We’ve had Sonic, we’ve had Mario, we’ve had Joel, and we’ve had Nathan – and now we might just be getting Jak and Daxter.
Recently, the game-to-movie train has been moving at an alarming rate, and while some adaptations fare better than others, the general consensus is positive. It’s been a particularly eventful time for Naughty Dog, the original devs of the Jak and Daxter franchise; having had huge success with both the Uncharted movie and the The Last of Us series, the time seems ripe for another iconic outing.
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To recap, The Last of Us did so well that it’s been confirmed for at least four seasons. As we all know, companies don’t invest unless they know it’ll pay off, so the land is plentiful if one knows how to use it.
And who, you might ask, would be able to play such a daring duo? That would be one of the most obvious, and somewhat lazy, casting choices in the history of cinema: Tom Holland and Chris Pratt. I appreciate that Pratt was (eventually) fairly well received for his unique interpretation of an Italian plumber, and I know Holland has been an exceptionally good Spiderman (though I’m still a sucker for Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker), but this is just too predictable.
The Hollywood machine has a tendency to go with what it knows, to the point of making us sick and tired of seeing certain actors appear on our screens; I call it viewer burnout. We get so bored of seeing the same faces or hearing the same voices that we begin to grimace at the thought of them.
Don’t believe me? As ashamed as I am to admit it now, after David Tennant started his second series as the Doctor, I increasingly found him grating, to the point that I was happy when he announced he was leaving the show. Again, this is a deep source of shame and family dishonour, but I feel I can be honest with you.
The rumour mill started in earnest after Twitter user MyTimeToShine shared the information. While it’s wise to take any industry gossip with a pinch of salt, this particular user has been a reliable source of cinematic information before, and so there’s weight to their words. Partner that with the knowledge that Holland has previously said he’d be into a Jak and Daxter film during a GameSpot interview, and it’s looking more likely by the second. Though, we suspect Holland’s ambition to give a “really weird and dark” version of the characters might not be what executives have in mind.
Will Jak and Daxter get their day on the silver screen? Um, maybe, one day, somewhere down the line. All we can do is wait for when, or if, that happens.
Topics: Naughty Dog, TV And Film