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Naughty Dog Has "Several Cool Things" In The Works, Confirms Neil Druckmann

Naughty Dog Has "Several Cool Things" In The Works, Confirms Neil Druckmann

And Cory Barlog is tired of fan messages too.

Imogen Mellor

Imogen Mellor

It, frankly, would be a surprise if Naughty Dog packed up shop now. Over the studio's last few games, it has accumulated an incredible about of critical praise, including The Last of Us Part 2 getting a record number of BAFTA nominations this year. So Neil Druckmann confirming that Naughty Dog is working on "several cool things" behind the scenes isn't a shock, but it's a welcome reminder that cool games/projects from the team are on the way.

A tweet spotted by GamesRadar show's Neil Druckmann sounding a little tired on Twitter of all the constant questions he's been receiving about Naughty Dog's next steps. It reads, "If you tweet at me, asking about a future project, I can't say anything... Please stay patient. We have several cool things we can't wait to share with you. As soon as we can, we will!"

What's interesting about this tweet, in particular, is that he mentions "several" cool things in the works. Several? That's multiple cool things and we have no idea what any of them are at this point in time. Is Naughty Dog working on a project similar to Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and The Last of Us: Left Behind? A side project using all the tech from The Last of Us: Part 2? Or maybe it's a new series altogether. We're happy to see new things are on the way, but it's so aggravating not knowing what those projects are.

Quite hilariously, in response to the tweet from Neil, another famous game director piped up to say how familiar this situation seemed to him. Cory Barlog, the lead on PlayStation exclusive God of War (2018) completely related to the problem. Fans message him all the time to try and find out more information about the upcoming God of War 2 - I mean come on, are either of these directors going to just reveal all their development plans to someone on Twitter? No, of course not, but um, hey Barlog I notice you didn't reply to my DM the other day, it's okay if you're busy just reply then you can mate.

Featured Image Credit: Naughty Dog

Topics: News, Uncharted, Naughty Dog, The Last Of Us