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Captain Price Is Doing Personalised Video Messages, And You Can Win One

Captain Price Is Doing Personalised Video Messages, And You Can Win One

We're a little crazy, aren't we?

Mark Foster

Mark Foster

If, like many Call Of Duty fans, you've found yourself unable to sleep at night with the knowledge that Captain Price could be whispering sweet nothings into your ear to send you off to sleep, then rejoice, because that could soon be a reality.

To celebrate the upcoming Season 4 update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - and the inclusion of Captain Price as a playable character in the game's multiplayer and the battle royale spinoff Warzone - Activision have been giving away some delightful treats for fans, including the chance to have Price's voice actor Barry Sloan record you a personalised message.

'How can I be in with a chance of winning one of these messages?' I hear you scream. Well, that's the easy part. All you have to do (via GameSpot) is head to the Cameo website through this link, and drop in your details and desired message to enter the sweepstakes. Sloan will record a total of 50 messages for 50 lucky winners, but you get a unique calling card for just entering, so technically, you're already a winner for having a go. Congratulations!

Now, I did check and I can't find anything on the website that says you can't get him to read you a bedtime story, or have him reenact the fake orgasm scene from When Harry Met Sally. Presumably, he's contractually obliged to perform it for you if you win, so why not get a little creative?

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare /

This sweepstakes follows a run of paid-for video messages on Cameo, which saw willing fans donate $141 for a message from Price (this being a nod to the infamous Task Force 141, of which Price is associated) which was a huge success.

Proceeds from that went to the Call Of Duty Endowment, which is a charity Activision set up to provide jobs and support for military veterans when they return to civilian life. You can still donate to the fund via the website, if you should feel so inclined.

In the meantime I'll be scripting up my own fan fiction which toys with the idea that Soap and Price fell in love while attending a mutual friend's wedding in Greece, set to a soundtrack of ABBA's greatest hits.

Featured Image Credit: Activision

Topics: Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Activision