The internet can be a strange and truly cursed place at times. Well, it is most of the time actually, but certain moments really do highlight how bizarre things can get.
Yesterday, Epic Games released two new skins in Fortnite’s item shop as part of the game’s collaboration with Nike, alongside other cosmetics and a free island to explore. Both of these skins - Maxxed Out Max and Airie - look pretty unique, but the internet has taken Airie’s glistening, all-white appearance and run with it. I’m sure you can see where this is going.
Take a look at the trailer for Fortnite’s newly released Chapter Four Season Three below.
I swear, I’m not making this up. As Kotaku reports, a quick search on Twitter for ‘Fortnite cum’ (which isn’t a search I’d recommend anyone should do, so just take my word for it) reveals hundreds, if not thousands of fans all making the exact same joke about Airie.
“The new Fortnite skin is literally sentient cum. Have fun with this cursed knowledge,” @KontrolledK1 tweeted. “WHY IS THIS FORTNITE SKIN MADE OF CUM,” @ItsYaGirlDani_ wrote.
Honestly, looking at the outfit, the NSFW implications are a bit of a stretch, but I’m not really too sure what she’s meant to look like, either. While Maxxed Out Max appears to be made completely out of shoes and sports equipment, Airie just looks like a humanised version of a shoe’s air bubble. That, or a shiny bit of shoe rubber? More than anything else, she just looks like a balloon or some kind of inflatable pool toy, but that wouldn’t made sense given the collaboration. Either way, I can guarantee that she's not meant to be NSFW.
Anyway, if you want to use this skin yourself, it’s available to buy in the Fortnite item shop right now. Just be aware that at any given point, some enemy players might be giggling in voice chat that you’re using the questionable semen outfit.
Topics: Fortnite, Epic Games