The Uncharted movie has been out less than a week in the U.K. and won't release in the States until 18 February. Yet even before the international release, fans of the games were questioning the casting. In our review we questioned how fans of the tomb raiding series (not that one) would feel about the theatrical release asking "Will fans of the video game series enjoy Uncharted? If they're really into the interactive adventures of Drake and his allies, possibly not."
If you also think Nathan Fillion should have been cast in the role as Drake, you can see his response to the casting in our video below.
Critics also weren't the biggest fans of the latest video game gone film experience with one critic saying "Uncharted again proves that video games inspired by classic movies - in this case Indiana Jones - should probably stay video games, because this soulless action-adventure flick feels like a dusty double-photocopy of Harrison Ford's blockbuster franchise." Some have suggested the reason for the disappointment lies in the casting choices.
With his striking resemblance to Naughty Dog's Nathan Drake, many have suggested Nathan Fillion to play the wise cracking explorer. While he does an excellent job embodying the role in the fan made short, with the movie aiming to tell the story of a younger Drake others were concerned that Fillion was a little mature to play this part in his story.
Now some have been calling for the comeback king, Brendan Fraser, to play the part Mark Wahlberg stepped into, as the ex-lothario, and long time swindler Sully. In a reddit thread one user says "Imagine Brendan with a fat moustache, a cigar, slicked back hair, colorful Cuban shirts, and talking about all the women he's had. I feel it just works."
With Sully acting as a mentor and father figure to Nate, Brendan seems to personify that. We can look back at a young Brendan in roles such as The Mummy and Journey To The Centre Of The Earth to see how he could have been Nate if the Uncharted franchise was brought out in the 90s. It's an interesting idea for sure.
Topics: Uncharted, TV And Film