A brand-new Fallout expansion has finally arrived and if that was not enough incentive to head back to the wasteland, this free download may just convince you.
This week saw Bethesda release its The Ghoul Within expansion for Fallout 76 which, as you can probably guess, centers around the mutated humans.
Check out the trailer for the brand-new season of Fallout 76 below!
For the first time in Fallout history, players will now be able to play as a Ghoul, complete with customisation, unique skills, and a whole lot more issues such as the rest of the Commonwealth being very distrusting of you.
Nevertheless, players are excited to try it out in online co-op as Fallout 76 has proved it has come on leaps and bounds from when it was first released back in 2018.
Littered with bugs and glitches and criticised for its lack of content, the first multiplayer Fallout title has successfully redeemed itself thanks to a series of updates, events, and free items.
The latter of which is available with The Ghoul Within expansion.
Posted to the official Fallout Twitter account, the announcement reads “Roam around the wasteland as The Ghoul!” alongside a short video of the free item in question.
“All Fallout 1st members can claim the West Coast Duster Outfit from the Atomic Shop FREE!”
Fallout 1st is a premium membership scheme for Fallout 76 players which gives them access to Private Adventures and Custom Worlds, exclusive cosmetic items (such as this one), 1650 Atoms each month, and other bonuses.
You can sign up here if you are an avid Fallout 76 fan and this brand-new Duster Outfit will definitely be the cherry on top of your Ghoul makeover.
The outfit includes a shirt, jeans, belt and a long duster coat complete with a bandolier, and to top it all off, there is a pretty stylish hat. Not too shabby.