A 2017 The Elder Scrolls game is about to vanish off the face of the internet, and technically already has disappeared if you weren’t lucky enough to download it before Bethesda released the announcement of its discontinuation.
The Elder Scrolls: Legends is (was?) a free-to-play online card game in the vein of something like Yu-Gi-Oh: Master Duel and Hearthstone that was first released back in March 2017.
As spotted by PC Gamer’s Andy Chalk, Bethesda recently announced that the servers for the title are being switched off on the 30th of January 2025.
It kind of shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise however, as Bethesda announced that development on the game was being halted “for the foreseeable future” back in 2019.
Although they still supported the game with events and maintained the servers until now, it seems that the small player base has clearly dwindled too much for them to justify even keeping the servers online.
Oh and, heads up just in case you fancied trying the game out before it disappears, the game can no longer be downloaded through Steam.
If you visit the Steam page for The Elder Scrolls: Legends now, you’ll be greeted with a notice saying “The Elder Scrolls®: Legends™ is no longer available on the Steam store” - which is an absolutely bananas statement to see alongside a game with over 10,000 “Mostly Positive” reviews.
If you were lucky enough to claim the title beforehand though, then I would highly suggest jumping in to see it off - because Bethesda has announced that players will be treated to a special event to honour its passing.
If you log into the game now, you’ll be greeted with a message that states “From now until January 30, 2025, all items in the store and entry into in-game events will be available for one gold each” - which means that anyone who does already own The Elder Scrolls: Legends can easily claim all of its content before the servers switch off for good.
Topics: Bethesda, The Elder Scrolls