From Great Ape Games, The Lost Wild is a spine-chilling new survival horror game where lethal dinosaurs stalk your every move on their home turf. Incoming Dino Crisis comparison in three, two, one...
The number of dinosaur horror games that have cropped up lately is causing me a slight concern. There's this one, Exoprimal from Capcom, Instinction from Hashbane Interactive, and Deathground from Jaw Drop Games. Unlike serial killers, "abandoned" houses or zombies in other horror media, for example, dinosaurs are a threat that I and likely plenty others have relegated to the annals of time. It's pretty impossible for a dinosaur to show up now so I'm not too worried life might imitate art. However, given the way that the year is going and the fact that we seem to keep seeing new dinosaur horror games all of a sudden, I have to assume that someone knows something.
Take a look at the trailer here:
Obviously, the game looks gorgeous in that oh-God-oh-no-I-can-hear-the-lethal-reptile-coming-to-kill-me-but-I-can't-see-it way, with oppressively shadowy forests where the sunlight just about filters through the gaps in the canopy. It's their stomping grounds and no doubt about it, with velociraptors, stegosauruses and flying reptiles at the least to watch out for. Fortunately, our character isn't completely on their own, as there's a voice emitting from their radio and the ruins of facilities on the island tell the story of what went wrong here. I'll bet a tenner it's a scientist shaking up some deoxyribonucleic acids like he's serving a British spy a cocktail at a French casino. And it's definitely a guy scientist because no sensible person would do this after the bajillion Jurassic Park films we've had.
The Lost Wild is coming to PC via Steam and console versions are yet to be determined.
Topics: PC, Dino Crisis