Every once in a while Capcom, the studio behind some of the finest survival horror games, gives us just a crumb of hope. You see, back in the days of the OG PlayStation we got Resident Evil from Capcom and it created a wave of titles capitalising on the new genre, survival horror.
It wasn’t just Capcom, but many studios began to play around with the idea of 3D isometric horror games and we got amazing titles like Onimusha, Parasite Eve, and, of course, Dino Crisis. It was a crisis, we killer dinosaurs. And ever since those days, fans of the game have hoped and prayed for a new installment of the franchise.
Just imagine dinosaurs in this graphics engine
Recently, Capcom began asking players which franchises should be brought back and fans saw Dino Crisis sat there, untouched for years and years. We want a new game and we want it soon. It seems that Capcom might do, too. Well, this is something that Jeff Grubb of Giant Bomb, has heard in the ever-churning rumour mill. He said, on a recent podcast, that he has heard rumours that Dino Crisis could be making a return.
Now, it’s worth taking this with the usual pinch of salt, as he heard this rumour before Capcom released Exoprimal, an action game that spawns thousands of dinosaurs to be vanquished by players in mech suits. Could he have just heard early rumblings of this game, or are we looking at a revival of the survival horror classic?
Fans have been asking for years and given that Capcom seems to be on a run of success, we might get lucky. The games were truly bonkers, and to see these remade with today’s graphical advancements could only be a good thing, right? Imagine Dino Crisis made with the care and fidelity of the recent Resident Evil 4 remake. Give it to us now.
Topics: Capcom, Dino Crisis, Resident Evil