Despite the difficulty of the Dark Souls games there seems to be no end of challenges players set for themselves, or speedruns where we watch someone absolutely trounce the bosses and make everything look easy.
This is certainly the case for speedrunner and Twitch streamer, Regole, who recently blasted through the entire Dark Souls trilogy in under 90 minutes. That’s faster than it takes some players to get out of the starting area of the original Dark Souls. That’s faster than watching Disney’s The Lion King. For us mere mortals, all we can do is stand by and watch as Regole shows these games who’s the boss.
The Dark Souls trilogy is often seen as some of gaming's toughest games
The streamer posted his time to Twitter announcing he’d passed all three games in 1 hour and 29 minutes. However, when you take into account the time he was in-game and not loading the separate titles, it actually only took 1 hour and 19 minutes. Which is frankly gobsmacking. Moving through each game in release order, Regole polished off Dark Souls in just over 23 minutes, while Dark Souls 2 took him a touch under 18 minutes. The third and final installment took up the most time, however, Regole believes he can trim down his time as he wants to submit his times to Games Done Quick.
This is a staggering achievement, particularly for those who struggle with Soulslike games. I for one don’t have the reaction times I once had and find all Soulslike games to be quite the beasts. All I can do is watch these speedruns with mouth agape and wish I had just an ounce of the skill being shown.
Well done to Regole, hopefully, he manages to trim his times down but as he is the world record holder for several categories across the Dark Souls games, it shouldn’t be too much of an issue.
Topics: Dark Souls, Twitch, Fromsoftware