Dark Souls IV can wait, it genuinely can because it really doesn’t need to happen and I don’t think it ever will.
The Dark Souls trilogy is utterly fantastic, some of my favourite games ever made (yes even Dark Souls II) and Dark Souls III wrapped things up so well I’d be sort of disappointed if it was ever dug up for another sequel.
I’d still play it mind you, but with Dark Souls III being about letting go of the past, it’d kind of defeat the point of the message to see it continue further
What I’m all for however is expansions, fan-made expansions like Dark Souls: Archthrones and the one we’re talking about today Champions Ashes.
Champions Ashes is available on NexusMods right now for free, and is described as “a total overhaul of Dark Souls 3, its combat system, visuals, bosses, and more- intended primarily to bring greater balance and depth to the competitive multiplayer. Weapons are made more unique and viable, with new combos, mechanics, and more.”
This ticks just about every box for what you’d want from a mod like this, and I’m especially excited to see what some of the weapons are like after the changes.
Honestly I’m not that into the PvP side of the games, I’m there for the bosses, but it sounds like Champions Ashes is the best of both worlds.
Definitely check this out if you primarily play Dark Souls games on your PC, it sounds like a blast.
If you’re like me though and prefer the original Dark Souls game or Dark Souls Remastered there are plenty of mods to download for that title too, and there’s even a mod in development that’ll bring seamless multiplayer to the game, like Elden Ring.
I don’t think I’m ever going to get bored of this series, especially if talented modders keep making expansions and overhauls like this.
Topics: Dark Souls, Fromsoftware, PC, Mods