One very passionate Call of Duty streamer has dislocated his knee after getting a bit too hyped in the middle of a match.
When you get really into an online game, it can feel like nothing else matters. This feeling has been the result of many broken controllers and screens over the years when people have gotten a bit too frustrated while playing. It probably comes as no surprise that Elden Ring has prompted some controller-smashing rage - earlier this year, one gamer posted a picture of their DualSense torn in two, although it’s not clear what part of the game was the tipping point for this to happen.
Take a look at Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II’s take on All Ghillied Up below.
Unfortunately, sometimes, getting too engrossed in a game can also result in actual injuries, and Kotaku reports that Twitch streamer TheDannyHammer (real name Danny) accidentally dislocated his knee during a Call of Duty match. After getting up, jumping, and arching his back, you can see him bend his knees forward. Shortly after, he collapses on the floor - it’s not clear exactly why.
“Ah, I broke my f**king leg. Oh my god, it’s f**king broken. Ah s**t. Ah f**k,” he said while on the floor. “Holy f**k, I’m in so much f**king pain. Ahh, my knee popped out. […] I gotta stop the stream I’m so sorry.”
Thankfully though, despite everything, the poor guy is okay. Twitter user @JakeSucky wrote that the streamer “is going to have a full recovery, but buckled under the pressure this time”. He added: “He’s in the navy, he tells me his boys have not given him an easy time lol.”
Reassuringly, TheDannyHammer is already back streaming again - hopefully, he’ll be a little more careful going forward to avoid anything similar happening.
Topics: Call Of Duty, Twitch