It's not often you see a decade old title top the charts of the most viewed games on Twitch, but that is exactly what happened yesterday (13 March) when Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was the most streamed game on the platform.
Overtaken by only the amorphous category known as 'Just Chatting', the ten year old COD game had over 400,000 concurrent viewers on the weekend. Activision Blizzard rebooted the franchise in 2019, and are reportedly making a sequel to the reboot, which is slated to release next year. However, hype over the new games is not the reason for the 2011 title's new found resurgence.
If you are too young to remember what Call Of Duty looked like ten years ago here's a reminder.
As spotted by Dexerto, there is a reason for the PlayStation 3 era title's sudden popularity. Popular Spanish live streamer IlloJuan, who has 1.7million followers, was hosting a huge throwback tournament to celebrate the FPS. Several other Spanish streamers with even bigger followings got involved such as Ibai, and TheGfreg.
Both Ibai and TheGfreg have almost 10million followers each on the platform, and were nominated for Content Creator Of The Year at the 2021 Game Awards. However, the Spanish streamers lost out to Dream, a creator who has been surrounded by controversy for several things, including using cheats to increase the drop rates of Ender Pearls in what he claimed to be a world record Minecraft speedrun.
The drop rate at which he received the Ender Pearls was so high it caused the run to come under scrutiny. He has since admitted to cheating and apologised after a string of denials. Since then when someone gets or needs extraordinary luck in a game, people have called it "Dream Luck". Despite this Dream remains a very popular creator with almost 30million subscribers on YouTube.
Topics: Call Of Duty Modern Warfare, Twitch