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Call Of Duty LAN Party Ends With An Actual Brawl

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Call Of Duty LAN Party Ends With An Actual Brawl

Brawl Of Duty

Video games can be intense, and sometimes gamers can let their emotions get the better of them as they do or say things they might not mean.

If you spent any time in a Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 lobby back in 2009, you'll know how toxic things could get. Heck, if you spend time on any number of online games to this day you'll see that people are willing to do and say some seriously nasty shit.

Take a look at some of the best Call Of Duty wins and fails below!

LAN parties are supposed to be different. Having a bunch of gamers physically get together to smash through online games should create a sense of togetherness. Of friendly rivalry. It doesn't always quite work out that way.

As shared by Nextiq on the livestreamfail subreddit, a recent Call Of Duty 2 LAN event ended in a genuine scrap between players.

Working out exactly what happened actually involves taking a look at multiple streams to see the confrontation from various perspectives, because it's not entirely clear from the original post.

In this stream, you can see that one team were a little over-enthusiastic in celebrating their win, which resulted in a grey-shirted player being elbowed in the side of the head. Ouch.

Despite the fact it was seemingly an accident, the grey-shirted player is understandably a bit miffed that he's just been hit, and throws his headphones to the ground in anger.

This stream then shows how the situation escalated, with the grey-shirted player standing up and threatening to punch another player in the face - presumably the one who accidentally elbowed him.

"How about I f*cking punch you in the face?" grey shirt remarks as he squares up to his rival before a third player steps in and prevents him from reaching his target.

After some jostling, swearing, and a few more threats, the situation appears to die down. According to some in the Reddit thread who were following what was going on, our grey-shirted friend actually ended up going to the hospital with a concussion.

I suppose the moral of the story, if indeed there is one? Always double check your surroundings before celebrating a kill.

Featured Image Credit: Activision

Topics: Call Of Duty, Twitch