A Breaking Bad mobile game was released in 2019, which was developed in collaboration with the folks behind the TV show. It was strategy-based, and included cooking meth, distributing it, and growing your empire. It was fun enough, as an urban Clash of Clans would be, but the game closed in 2020.
I, along with many other gamers who love the show, know that it has the potential for more than that. There are scenes in the show that resemble sequences from Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption; from methylamine heists to desert shootouts. I often imagined how awesome a Breaking Bad game would be in the right hands. So, apparently, has a YouTuber called Teaserplay - who has used Unreal Engine 5 to create a mock trailer for a Breaking Bad game.
Take a look at what it might look like right here.
In the video lasting just over two-and-a-half minutes, Teaserplay has recreated some of the most iconic locations, vehicles and characters from the hit TV show. The underground lab, the RV (bullet holes included), and Walter White himself to name but a few. Walt has been brought to life using "Metahuman" feature of Unreal, which was used in last year's impressive The Matrix Awakens.
While we can tell it's not professional (Hank's face needs a bit of work), it's nice to see there are fans out there who haven't let the Breaking Bad video game dream die. While movie and TV licenses tend to be a bit naff, this isn't always the case. 2006's The Godfather and Scarface: The World is Yours from the same year were both excellent.
Maybe there's something about iconic screen gangsters that translates well to videogames. Perhaps, once enough time passes, there is enough love for a film or show to fuel a brilliant game. Walter White is an iconic screen gangster by every definition, and it's been almost a decade since Breaking Bad finished. I, for one, think it's time for gamers to become the one who knocks.
Topics: Unreal Engine, TV And Film