It’s been an eternity since it was confirmed that another BioShock game is in development and by ‘eternity’, I mean three years to be exact. We don’t know much about the title, except that it’s in the works at Cloud Chamber but that doesn’t make us any less excited. While official information may be thin on the ground though, the internet is rife with leaks and rumours.
It’s believed that BioShock 4 will be set in Antarctica, featuring an open world design with multiple endings. Leakers suggested that the plot and lore would be “extensively revealed” through side quests. Let’s be honest, that could describe the format of the vast majority of recent AAA releases so I wouldn’t read too much into it. We have found out one piece of concrete information about BioShock 4 though.
Netflix are currently working on a movie adaptation of BioShock. Speaking of adaptations, check out HBO’s take on The Last of Us which premieres on 15 January.
BioShock 4 has officially landed one of Ghost of Tsushima’s writers, Liz Albl. As reported by Eurogamer, Albl took to Twitter to announce the news, writing: “The dream is real! So happy to announce I’ve joined Cloud Chamber as narrative lead on BioShock.” Albl has also worked on Watch Dogs Legion, Far Cry 4, and Far Cry 5.
Admittedly, this means we still know very little about BioShock 4 but it’s comforting to know that it’s in capable hands. If you haven’t yet checked it out, Ghosts of Tsushima is an incredible game which reminds me, I hope we find out what Sucker Punch are working on very soon.
BioShock’s Netflix film adaptation is in equally capable hands. Earlier this year, it was revealed that director Francis Lawrence would helm the project, who you may know for his work on The Hunger Games series. Good things are coming, BioShock fans. We just need to be patient.
Topics: Bioshock, Ghost Of Tsushima