It’s about time Electronic Arts finally gives us Battlefield: Bad Company 3. So, make it happen you cowards!
It’s no secret that the Battlefield series has had it rough in recent years. Don't get us wrong, Battlefield 1 (2016) and Battlefield V (2018) were decent enough games, they just never set the world alight. Speaking of setting the world alight, Battlefield even failed epically with its take on the battle royale genre with Firestorm. Do you remember that one?
For many fans, EA’s military shooter hit its peak with the two Battlefield: Bad Company entries in 2008 and 2010, respectively. Sadly, as you can tell from the numbers, it’s now been 13 long years since we’ve had a new Bad Company game, talk about being unlucky!
So Battlefield fans believe it’s about time EA released a new Bad Company, and so do we. To be fair, following the most recent flop, Battlefield 2042, would there be a better way to win over fans of the series than releasing Bad Company 3? We think not.
“Make Bad Company 3,” demanded Redditor Lord_Xytherius, and to no surprise, the thread was in agreement. “DICE has no idea what made Bad Company 2 a great game, hence they have not touched on it in recent years,” said a deflated Devoutlytile250.
“I still find this utterly baffling. The game was fun because it didn't take itself too seriously (quite the opposite) and favoured fun above overall realism and perfect balance,” replied OP1KenOP. They seem to do this thing with Battlefield games where they release them in a sort of raw, sometimes slightly unbalanced way and then steadily tweak and tune everything good until it just feels sort of... bland.”
“Man I loved BC2, the gunplay is very different to Battlefield,” said a reminiscent feibie. “Bad Company 2 was my favourite Battlefield by far,” agreed SnooStrawberries1910.
It remains to be seen whether EA and developers DICE will see sense and give fans what they want. Hopefully, that day will eventually come, because fans of the series could really do with some Battlefield: Bad Company 3 right now.
In related news, fans say that Bad Company 2 is still revolutionary and a Battlefield 2042 developer admits that the game was never going to have a great launch, yikes! Battlefield 2042 is out now for PC, PlayStation and Xbox.
Topics: EA, Battlefield, Dice