Hey, are you a fan of Visceral Games and Electronic Arts’ 2015 Battlefield spin-off Battlefield Hardline? Well then I have some terrible news for you; because you’re never seeing a sequel to that game.
In a recent interview with Battlefield Hardline’s multiplayer design lead Thaddeus Sasser, VideoGamer’s Lewis White was told that any chance of a sequel is very much off the table.
“I think, you know, maybe, maybe, there is a world where that game could exist…” explained Sasser, “but, at the time, the political climate—if you remember there’s [the] Ferguson [shooting] and all that other bad stuff going on. It was just… too much. There was no way EA was going to do that…”
“I would have liked to strip the Battlefield name off the front” he continued, “because that’s, I think, the thing that p**sed so many people off.”
The confirmation that Battlefield Hardline will never get a sequel has upset quite a few Battlefield fans, because whilst the reception for the game, pre-release, was quite negative, a lot of people feel quite positively about the title nowadays.
In a Reddit thread detailing the news on r/Battlefield, several people voiced their disappointment at the announcement.
“Not surprising honestly Cuz battlefield was never really made for cops and robbers…” stated user TEHYJ2006, “But still some things in bf hardline were amazing”
“God I loved this game so much, its so sad that there is basically no more active servers on PC. The map design was something else!” replied Marinesnake8.
AzureRathalos97 shared a similar statement, saying “They had some innovative and hilarious ideas. It's a shame such a large sect of the community didn't treat it as the spinoff it was like they did Bad Company.”
Unfortunately, even if a sequel to Battlefield Hardline was released these days, I doubt it would hit the same as it did back then - as Visceral Games, the studio that developed the original game, was shuttered by EA back in 2017.
And as a ride-or-die Dead Space fan, I will never forgive them for that.
Topics: EA, Battlefield, Battlefield 2042, Dice